Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A - Z...

Ok, today I stumbled upon something that My wife had wrote out on a piece of paper, it turned out to be very inspiring to me and hopefully it will be the same to you!! (Sorry I do not have proper reference, from where she obtained this valuable info.) So here we GO!!!!!

A. Accept The Challenge.
B. Believe In Yourself.
C. Choice not necessarily change, determines success.
D. Develope your own goals and objectives.
E. Expect Failure, but also expect success.
F. Fight on, Be faithful, and finish what you start.
G. Gravitate towards positive, successful people.
H. Harness everything within yourself to be happy.
I. Initiate the process.
J. Jealousy gets you nowhere.
K. Keep on keepin on.
L. Learn how to learn.
M. Mo Money, Mo Money, Mo Money.
N. Never say never.
O. Order your steps.
P. Practice what you preach.
Q. Quit Quitting.
R. Respect people.
S. Stay strong to your values & beliefs.
T. Travel the long road to equality.
U. Utilize your network.
V. Visualize It.
W. Work until your work is done.
X. X-Ray your own life.
Y. Yield to opportunity.
Z. Zealously strive to achieve.

All of these are pretty self explanatory, and as you probably know by now, I will have a challenge for you after each one of my blogs. So here is CHALLENGE #2. I challenge you to not just read this and be done with it, but actually apply it to your life. That's right, print it out, read over it again and apply it to your life. You should start to see some improvements in your day-to-day activities. Oh yea don't forget to pass it to a friend. As always comment, and let me know your out there... Be Blessed!!!!

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