Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Hey whats up everybody!!! Check this out, have you ever heard of the BET Sundays Best Show. Well of course you have, (its only the american idol for gospel singers, what was i thinking asking you that...HAHA) well there are two contestants that are very dear to me and can sing your socks off. The problem is, they found out abot this years competition late, and there is only nine days left for the 1st round. So what I am asking you to do is invite all of your friends, family and Yes even enemies, to click on theses to links adn take a minute to register, after that search for johnjackson, and myrtisjackson1 and vote. Remember, you can only vote once every 24hrs per contestant, so please get your votes in now, and help me get this anointed couple (yes they are husband and wife) on the show!!!!

The process is very simple. However, in order to vote you must register at the website. The process is very quick and easy. To register just click on register and follow the instructions.

So Here's CHALLENGE #3 to think about somebody other than yourself and Follow the directions below!!!

The process is very simple. However, in order to vote you must register at the website. The process is very quick and easy. To register just click on register and follow the instructions.

Once registered, you are now ready to vote!!!!!!!!!!!

Go to the search engine on the right hand side of the home page and enter the names:
1. JohnJackson (no spaces in between)
2. MyrtisJackson1 (no spaces in between)-please make sure that you include the #1 after her name

Once you enter the names, then the profile will appear. Simply click on the tab that says "vote". After doing so, the site will let you know that you have now voted.

You can vote every 24 hours so please take a minute and do so. WE HAVE 9 DAYS LEFT!!!!!!

Here are the links that go directly to there pages:

Please support thems by forwarding this email to all of your co-workers, classmates, relatives and friends so that they can move forward to the next round and pursue their destiny.

In advance thank you for your prayers and support.

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