Saturday, September 20, 2008

Rise!!! It's Time To Live.

After much thought, (prayer, getting advice from friends, and occasionally crying like a big grown baby,) I've realized that many of our lives, look alot like the elevator above. It's a place that can be shining with great opportunities, going nowhere except upward. Or it can be viewed as a place that opportunity to go upward is very present, but life still seems to be going down. The difference between the two when it comes to our lives, is basically how you view it. I mean, some will look at this picture with great observation and even detail the fact that this elevator is going up. There are others who will look at it and basically just conclude that it is a picture and nothing else. The mental concluson is predicated upon the way that we view this escalator. Ask yourself a question.

>Where do you see yourself in this picture? If u were to put yourself in this picture, where would you be placed. Do you see yourself at the bottom going nowhere, or are you slowly on your way to the top, but just haven't arrived there yet.

Ok for the sake of not turning this blog into a super deep disscussion, the bottom line is this.
Yea That's Right Stop!!!! Get up and go look in the mirror....Do you like what's going on in that persons life? If not, do you have the power to fix it?WELL, WHY HAVEN'T YOU DID ANYTHING ABOUT IT YET!!!
So here's Challenge #4, look over your life, examine it, jot down some notes, and take charge of it!!! Rise!!! It's Time To Live, your new journey starts NOW!!

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