Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's Tea Time!!!

Okay, I know that I missed a day, but I have a perfectly good excuse.......Okay maybe not....HAHA. Nevertheless I had tea time with my wife last night and it was awesome. We sat back, talked, and just enjoyed the moment with each other. We discussed future goals and how we would like to see them come to pass, and the steps in which we would pray about and take.

It was at that moment that it dawned on me.

I know, crazy huh? we have been married for three years now, and this is the first time that we have sat down and just enjoyed a hot cup of tea. After it was all said and done, i asked myself a question...( other than the debate in my mind between another tasty cup, or going on to bed with my fine wife....Of course you know who won.....Yep you guessed it, the tea...HAHA..just playing ) what have i been missing all this time? So here's my first challenge to you bloggers, and blog readers that are married. I challenge you to dim the lights and go to a peaceful room with your spouse and maybe over a cup of tea, (or a beverage of your choice ) just enjoy each other. Simple enough? Until next time, Be Blessed!!!

Oh Yea, dont forget to comment and let me know how it went.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay Pastor, I don't have a significant other that I can do this with but if everything works out I would like to invite a group of my closet friends to do the same thing. Speak and pray over our life's goals. Will that work?
-Marcus Simmons