Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A New Journey...

Today, is a brand new day... (Of course it is, its not yesterday...haha) but anyway's, today my wife and I will begin to embark on a new journey. We are planning to plant a church sometime in 2009. After planting a church this past September and watching it dissolve after only 7 months, (believe me that was not in my plans...) I asked God a question. (... What is it God, that you are trying to show me this time? ) and after receiving somewhat of an answer, we have decided to do things a little differently this time. So to make a long story short (because my little Keke, who is my one year old baby girl, and is trying to type this blog with me while screaming and crying when i tell her no!!!...smile i love you Kyairrah) I have been checking out a church planting organization called The Arc (association of related churches). These guys are church planting gurus, and they have this gathering called CPR..church planters rountable, ( which they will be having on September 24th at Oral Roberts University) and my wife and I are defintely attending. I will update you on some more info soon, until then Peace & Hair Grease. Oh yea... for my readers who need that translated....Be Blessed!!!!

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