Thursday, October 16, 2008

Keep Your Penis In Your Pants!!!

The following message is a blog from perry noble that I read earlier and agree with 100%

Attention Pastors: Keep Your Penis In Your Pants!!!

No, the title is NOT a type-o! I meant exactly what I said…and I will mean every single word that follows.
Before you write me an email (which will automatically deleted…I don’t freakin’ care what anyone thinks about this post) you need to understand that I am completely pissed off…and…at the same time completely broken over this subject!
AND…this is something that NEEDS to be addressed. Unfortunately at conferences people will talk about it in the corners and private conversations…but rarely will anyone speak (or blog) about it because they feel they may offend someone if they use “strong language.” I am SICK and TIRED of people dancing around the issue and speaking in OBSCURE terms!It’s about freakin’ time SOMEONE quite worrying about who gets offended and just flat out told the truth…
PASTORS…we have a calling from God, we are called to live with integrity, we are called to LEAD by living an example…and that CANNOT be done if we are trying to have sex with women that we are NOT MARRIED TOO!
The other day I was sitting at my desk and received an email from a friend informing me that another good friend of ours had disqualified himself from the ministry because of an affair.
I wanted to throw up! I began shaking all over. I wanted to cry…and at the same time I wanted to throw things and cuss. The enemy scored another notch…another black eye on the Christian faith.
Am I judging the guy? Heck no! Anytime I hear of something like this happening I always say, “It’s by God’s grace that it didn’t happen to me.” In fact; I called him and spoke with him for quite a while. I love the guy–he’s my friend and always will be.
However, pastors–THIS HAS TO STOP! We cannot get up on Sunday and tell people how to live if lust and sexual fantasies with women we are not married to are dominating our minds.
Paul said in Philippians 4:8 that we need to think about things that exalt Christ…NOT satisfy our own flesh! Let me ask you an honest question pastor–RIGHT NOW…is there a woman other than you wife that you are thinking sexual thoughts about?
If the answer is yes then you’ve GOT TO TELL SOMEONE! PLEASE, get some help!!! Talk to a friend…go see a Counselor…but DO IT NOW! I know you think you are strong…but all it takes is ONE WEAK MOMENT and then BAM…everything you’ve worked so hard for is LOST on the five seconds of sensation that you obtain!
It’s SO SAD when pastors will talk about how bad it was that Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of soup…and then they will turn around and sell their ministry for an orgasm!
Is it tough to maintain a sexually pure mind? YOU HAD BETTER BELIEVE IT! I remember my pastor saying to me back in 1990 when he was meeting with a group of young men who were called into the ministry, “Boys, everyone of you is going to have a chance to have an affair…and it’s not because you are good looking but rather because the enemy is crafty and knows he can use a woman to take you down!”
I know of some pastors who have had emotional affairs with women…and when questioned about it they will simply say, “Well, my wife just wasn’t there for me!”
WHAT A FREAKIN’ WIMP!!! In 99.9% of the cases the wife wasn’t there because the PASTOR was out trying to impress everyone else and, in doing so, didn’t pursue his wife!!!!!!! SHE NEEDS YOU BRO!!! AND…if you would pursue her and QUIT allowing the church to be your mistress…things would be a lot better!
Pastors…I am NOT a legalist…except for this subject! We simply CANNOT allow the enemy to steal our calling, kill God’s work and destroy our families simply because we began thinking between our legs and not between our ears!
My advice…take RADICAL steps. Make a committment to NEVER be alone with a woman! EVER…under ANY circumstances. Form a relationship with a godly man whom you trust and talk about your struggles…every single one of them. Pastors–we’ve GOT to stop trying to impress others with how “godly we are!” HONESTY paves the way to INTIMACY with GOD…and the reason a lot of pastors don’t feel a connection with the ALMIGHTY is because they are too busy trying to “connect” with a willing woman…BUT denying that they have the desire to do so!!!
If you are a church member…PRAY for the purity of your pastor–EVERY SINGLE DAY! Is sexual temptation real for him? Let me go ahead and say it–YES! (And the pastor who says no is a freakin’ liar!!!) As I said earlier…the enemy is wise…he knows WHEN to tempt and WHAT to tempt with!!! Pray that he will walk with Jesus and ONLY have eyes for his wife!!!
PASTORS…the battle is REAL…and IF you are struggling it is NOT going to go away! How do you resist?
STOP DENYING there is a problem…if there is…CONFESS IT!!!
PURSUE YOUR WIFE with passion like never before! Warning…if you haven’t pursued her in a while she is going to be skeptical of your advances…it’s going to take time to win back her heart.
II Corinthians 10:5 says that we should take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ…that means WHEN (not if) the lustful thoughts come your way…understand that those thoughts are NOT FROM GOD…take them captive!
STOP FLIRTING WITH ANYONE EXCEPT FOR YOUR WIFE!!! No texting, no emails, no chatting online, no “counseling appointments,” no long lunches…STOP IT NOW!!!
I’ve said about all I am going to say about this for now…as I said…I am ANGRY…angry that the enemy is so persistent and that SO MANY men give in rather than calling on the unbelievable power that Christ has placed inside of us through HIS Holy Spirit.
Pastors…let’s be men who LOVE Jesus, LOVE our wives, LOVE our children and then LOVE His church!
AND…one more time, IF you are struggling with this–PLEASE GET HELP! You cannot keep sin in the dark…Galatians 6:7 says God will not be mocked…you know that verse…you’ve preached it many times…problem is you don’t think it applies to you…and it does!!!
My desire when it is all said & done is NOT to pastor the largest church in the world or to speak at tons of conferences or to sell lots of books…but rather to hear the words of my Lord, “Well done my good and faihtful servant.”
And…if I die before ‘Cretia I want for her to be able to stand over my coffin and KNOW that I was 100% faithful to her…that I was a man who took a vow to forsake all others…and that I was man enough to fulfill that vow!!!
Do you have the stones to man up? Will you commit to purity RIGHT NOW? Seriously, break off a phone call to someone TODAY and have a serious conversation about this. Ask them to ask you the tough questions…and be man enough to be honest!!! We can’t let the enemy have any more ground here…let’s take it back!!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Rise!!! It's Time To Live.

After much thought, (prayer, getting advice from friends, and occasionally crying like a big grown baby,) I've realized that many of our lives, look alot like the elevator above. It's a place that can be shining with great opportunities, going nowhere except upward. Or it can be viewed as a place that opportunity to go upward is very present, but life still seems to be going down. The difference between the two when it comes to our lives, is basically how you view it. I mean, some will look at this picture with great observation and even detail the fact that this elevator is going up. There are others who will look at it and basically just conclude that it is a picture and nothing else. The mental concluson is predicated upon the way that we view this escalator. Ask yourself a question.

>Where do you see yourself in this picture? If u were to put yourself in this picture, where would you be placed. Do you see yourself at the bottom going nowhere, or are you slowly on your way to the top, but just haven't arrived there yet.

Ok for the sake of not turning this blog into a super deep disscussion, the bottom line is this.
Yea That's Right Stop!!!! Get up and go look in the mirror....Do you like what's going on in that persons life? If not, do you have the power to fix it?WELL, WHY HAVEN'T YOU DID ANYTHING ABOUT IT YET!!!
So here's Challenge #4, look over your life, examine it, jot down some notes, and take charge of it!!! Rise!!! It's Time To Live, your new journey starts NOW!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Hey whats up everybody!!! Check this out, have you ever heard of the BET Sundays Best Show. Well of course you have, (its only the american idol for gospel singers, what was i thinking asking you that...HAHA) well there are two contestants that are very dear to me and can sing your socks off. The problem is, they found out abot this years competition late, and there is only nine days left for the 1st round. So what I am asking you to do is invite all of your friends, family and Yes even enemies, to click on theses to links adn take a minute to register, after that search for johnjackson, and myrtisjackson1 and vote. Remember, you can only vote once every 24hrs per contestant, so please get your votes in now, and help me get this anointed couple (yes they are husband and wife) on the show!!!!

The process is very simple. However, in order to vote you must register at the website. The process is very quick and easy. To register just click on register and follow the instructions.

So Here's CHALLENGE #3 to think about somebody other than yourself and Follow the directions below!!!

The process is very simple. However, in order to vote you must register at the website. The process is very quick and easy. To register just click on register and follow the instructions.

Once registered, you are now ready to vote!!!!!!!!!!!

Go to the search engine on the right hand side of the home page and enter the names:
1. JohnJackson (no spaces in between)
2. MyrtisJackson1 (no spaces in between)-please make sure that you include the #1 after her name

Once you enter the names, then the profile will appear. Simply click on the tab that says "vote". After doing so, the site will let you know that you have now voted.

You can vote every 24 hours so please take a minute and do so. WE HAVE 9 DAYS LEFT!!!!!!

Here are the links that go directly to there pages:

Please support thems by forwarding this email to all of your co-workers, classmates, relatives and friends so that they can move forward to the next round and pursue their destiny.

In advance thank you for your prayers and support.

A - Z...

Ok, today I stumbled upon something that My wife had wrote out on a piece of paper, it turned out to be very inspiring to me and hopefully it will be the same to you!! (Sorry I do not have proper reference, from where she obtained this valuable info.) So here we GO!!!!!

A. Accept The Challenge.
B. Believe In Yourself.
C. Choice not necessarily change, determines success.
D. Develope your own goals and objectives.
E. Expect Failure, but also expect success.
F. Fight on, Be faithful, and finish what you start.
G. Gravitate towards positive, successful people.
H. Harness everything within yourself to be happy.
I. Initiate the process.
J. Jealousy gets you nowhere.
K. Keep on keepin on.
L. Learn how to learn.
M. Mo Money, Mo Money, Mo Money.
N. Never say never.
O. Order your steps.
P. Practice what you preach.
Q. Quit Quitting.
R. Respect people.
S. Stay strong to your values & beliefs.
T. Travel the long road to equality.
U. Utilize your network.
V. Visualize It.
W. Work until your work is done.
X. X-Ray your own life.
Y. Yield to opportunity.
Z. Zealously strive to achieve.

All of these are pretty self explanatory, and as you probably know by now, I will have a challenge for you after each one of my blogs. So here is CHALLENGE #2. I challenge you to not just read this and be done with it, but actually apply it to your life. That's right, print it out, read over it again and apply it to your life. You should start to see some improvements in your day-to-day activities. Oh yea don't forget to pass it to a friend. As always comment, and let me know your out there... Be Blessed!!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's Tea Time!!!

Okay, I know that I missed a day, but I have a perfectly good excuse.......Okay maybe not....HAHA. Nevertheless I had tea time with my wife last night and it was awesome. We sat back, talked, and just enjoyed the moment with each other. We discussed future goals and how we would like to see them come to pass, and the steps in which we would pray about and take.

It was at that moment that it dawned on me.

I know, crazy huh? we have been married for three years now, and this is the first time that we have sat down and just enjoyed a hot cup of tea. After it was all said and done, i asked myself a question...( other than the debate in my mind between another tasty cup, or going on to bed with my fine wife....Of course you know who won.....Yep you guessed it, the tea...HAHA..just playing ) what have i been missing all this time? So here's my first challenge to you bloggers, and blog readers that are married. I challenge you to dim the lights and go to a peaceful room with your spouse and maybe over a cup of tea, (or a beverage of your choice ) just enjoy each other. Simple enough? Until next time, Be Blessed!!!

Oh Yea, dont forget to comment and let me know how it went.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A New Journey

A New Journey...

Today, is a brand new day... (Of course it is, its not yesterday...haha) but anyway's, today my wife and I will begin to embark on a new journey. We are planning to plant a church sometime in 2009. After planting a church this past September and watching it dissolve after only 7 months, (believe me that was not in my plans...) I asked God a question. (... What is it God, that you are trying to show me this time? ) and after receiving somewhat of an answer, we have decided to do things a little differently this time. So to make a long story short (because my little Keke, who is my one year old baby girl, and is trying to type this blog with me while screaming and crying when i tell her no!!! i love you Kyairrah) I have been checking out a church planting organization called The Arc (association of related churches). These guys are church planting gurus, and they have this gathering called planters rountable, ( which they will be having on September 24th at Oral Roberts University) and my wife and I are defintely attending. I will update you on some more info soon, until then Peace & Hair Grease. Oh yea... for my readers who need that translated....Be Blessed!!!!